Greengage SME and Digital Asset Payment Services Survey Findings
How do digital entrepreneurs and SMEs rate their experience of payment services and what can account providers learn from this?
This paper analyses the real-world experiences of SMEs with their payment providers to understand how these services can be improved. SMEs and companies involved in digital assets are typically underserved by payment providers. They either have issues acquiring an account or receive substandard service once they are onboarded. As a result, we looked at pain points, desires and many other factors to build a more holistic picture of their experiences with account providers. These findings will help us tailor our own strategic development around E-Money accounts to provide the best possible payment account services for our clients.
Highlights from the paper: • How your relationship with digital assets as a business affects the service you receive from your account provider The most important services / qualities for an account provider to possess • What improvements can payment services providers implement to better serve SMEs and companies involved in digital assets/cryptocurrencies